Friday, February 18, 2011

The Jedi

Can you see it in the picture where the goat is... are the men staring at the goat or the eye?
Why are they jedi?
This is my two cents for today.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Third eye

"If you could flick a switch and open your third eye, You'd see that we should never be afraid to die."

This song is from the the album The resistance and the song is called uprising which is happening right now in the middle east and possibly may spread throughout the world? I believe Muse is relatively aware. 

"Rise up and take the power back, its time the fat cats had a heart attack
you know that there time is coming to an end..."

Apparently the charter of rights and freedoms ends after 100 years in december 2012.. hmm..
i got that from but who knows it sounds fake.  
Plus check out this Illuminati New World Order card game.

The officer's shoulder in this has the symbol. And woah wait a minute I control all trading card games.. including this one. OMGWTF is happening im trippin balls lol.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Time to excavate Egypt

Back to the pyramids and their secrets. If only modern scientists could excavate Egypt and finally discover their secrets. :( But the Egyptian leader Mubarak put laws in place that permit any excavation.. O wait he stepped down from power after 30 years just in time for 2012. The pieces are falling into place. Lets uncover those secrets to Atlantis and uncover the past to predict our future!?!

Also Bar Karma is like wtf awesome. Its that place which is the beginning and the end, after death and before birth.

thats my two cents for today.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Illuminati's Eye


This is the symbol that I keep seeing. The triangle with the circle in it. seems like its everywhere... I've seen it so many times but never bothered to blog or anything and now here I am. Everytime I see it I'll blog it here.
This particular one is from a new show im about to watch called bar karma.. only watchin it cz of this symbol I hope its good.

Here it is again and if you've seen Harry Potter and the deathly hallows then youve seen this. Apparently they are searching for the same thing i am in this movie. What is this symbol? Is this symbol intentionally placed in mainstream media or maybe we are all converging into the same thought patterns. anyways..
The truth is out there!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dj turn it UP

shit i havent posted in awhile.. so much for posting everyday. I had a lucid dream last night i got a girl naked and she jumped in the shower with me. I got a raging boner and it woke me up :). I had a nightmare just before that my mom caught a hugeass spider and threw at my face and I was like wtf! I must be dreaming and thats how i got my lucid dream.

I was playing with FL studio music maker today and I made this:

(I dont have a dj name yet) - Turn it up

Lol, doesnt sound too bad, I made it just for shits and giggles. I made the beat then added a sample from Kesha's song we r who we r. This is the result of playing League of Legends and getting pissed at noobs and then trying to do something productive.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Was just watching the superbowl, or parts of it. I was watching it with my eyes but my thoughts were elsewhere. Anyways, One of the ads was for a movie called limitless. From what ive seen in the previews it sounds alot like LSD. Even the title "Limitless" is what I've experienced on LSD. But to able to use it to your advantage would destroy the ego and then the universe. Is it possible to use LSD to give you an advantage in the world. Recognizing patterns becomes easy even for the most complex patterns and paradoxes. I'm definitely interested in this movie.

Another commercial I saw was a phone commercial with ozzy osbourne and justin bieber(is this how u spell it?). so w/e this commercial perfectly describes relativity. Out with the old, in with the new. ozzy was introducing 4G/5G phones and hes like wow they just keep adding more G's or w/e. Then bieber comes on with a 6G phone and ozzy is like whats goin on... so they put him in the background and bieber introduces the new phone. What they don't show in this advertisement is the new music star that hasnt been born yet introducing a new technology that hasnt been invented yet making bieber look old and obsolete. 4G is to ozzy what 6G is to bieber. What it comes down to is the same concept but at different times on a linear time scale. All technology is the same but is newer or older compared to each other because its relative. Ok this might be hard to follow but I am trying to explain it in words from my thoughts and im not too good at it yet. :)

I think of relativity in terms of life cycles and not so much in einstein terms of math probabilities and physics. Although im superb at math, I prefer using words rather than numbers. 

Friday, February 4, 2011


I feel like posting again.. I just finished watching fringe and human planet. Cool shows.
So I was having a discussion with my father about life after death. His reply is that there is nothing. We live a shitty life, we die and that's it. I however was trying to argue reincarnation. It was like talking to a wall though. I know what its like to be atheist or to completely deny religion so I just respected his opinion and let him be. I am no more religious than he is anyways, probably because thats how I was raised. But atleast I have learned to respect religion and people's beliefs whereas I used to tell people they were retarded for believing in God.

Anyways.. about reincarnation..
I found many similarities to the process of birth and the process of death.
First when you die your life flashes before your eyes and you get tunnel vision and then you a see a light.
Now when you are born the first thing you will see is light as you are in a dark womb for 9 months.
You will  hear a voice saying move into the light. Is that an angel? or the doctor trying to get you out?
Then you will see your relatives, your mother and father happy in heaven. and when you are born you will see your mother and father.
Finally many people die and are covered in blood and emerge through the light as a baby covered in blood.
You can start to see this flow from death to birth.
It is a hard concept to accept as your old ego dies and you develop a new ego to brave your new world, thus forgetting your past life.

Now this ties into 2012 and the NWO!!
the current economy is on a collapse and is "dying" and the ego of our culture doesn't want to die. But on the other side is rebirth where we have >limitless< opportunities. I also want to mention that babies are limitless. So even though we reject this NWO because of its order out of chaos we will come to accept it with time and wonder why we didnt have it sooner. Will there be a rebirth scenario in 2012 maybe? Also note that phoenixes are symbols of rebirth and when the solar system crosses the milky way center in 2012 the stars will resemble a phoenix rising out the ashes on the horizon. Time for bed goodnight :)

Can't wait for the NWO

I had dream about bees attacking me last night. Not sure what to post today. I think I will discuss my thoughts on the NWO(New world Order). This New World Order which is the main idea that conspiracy theorists are leaning towards sounds horrible. Well, they make it sound bad. Apparently we are going to live in an oppressive society worse than what we are living now. I think they take everything negative out of this NWO idea.

 It could be that the NWO is a good thing and part of our natural evolution. As seen in zeitgeist they talk about scarcity of products and so we have to compete for what we want. We therefore developed this currency out of thin air. We are essentially borrowing energy from the universe to pay for everything. Money is energy. But now we have to pay it back. And much like borrowing money we could just borrow some more to pay the old debt back. But then we are always in debt. And so this NWO will eliminate debt. I dunno maybe but I think the NWO is inevitable. We need it.

It could be part of evolution that now we finally understand that this system is corrupt we can move on. But before we do we have to experience the fall of the current system. It's not the destination that counts but the journey. Aliens or advanced civilizations already know this and therefore can't just swing in and bring us to our destination. We have to experience this for ourselves. Just like when go through school and you say to yourself, this sux! But when you're older you can appreciate your ability to communicate and all the friends and experiences you had then. It's relative. <--get used to this word because it describes so much hence why my blog is named relatively aware.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Symbol

First of all I can't remember any dreams today :(. I'll take today to talk about the symbol; The all-seeing eye a.k.a. the eye of horus which is associated with the illuminati. I began seeing this symbol about 3 years ago after an amazing drug experience. I did some research and found information relating to the illuminati and it just spiraled into conspiracy theories. 2012, disclosure, control over the msm, zeitgeist, annunaki, planet x, web bots and so on. Any conspiracy or prophetic event you think of I was into. I don't think the drugs made me crazy, just a more open-minded person. If I was crazy then I would be preaching this stuff to everyone I see. Instead I keep it to myself. Personally I think Alex Jones is a little crazy. He takes things to their extreme.

So anyways the most recent place I've seen this symbol was the Yop commercial right at the starting. Singing Yop me mama is very catchy lol. I think the symbol is a signal telling me im on the path towards enlightenment. Another weird place I remember seeing this symbol was on the 4th kind movie with the resident evil actress. well there was a part where this guy gets possessed and then has a mark on his arm like he was branded. The mark was the all seeing eye. It's everywhere if you look for it. Luckily I don't have to look for I manage to see it. So much more I want to put but I will leave at this for 2day!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dream of the day

I had another dream last night. Well first I had a couple of lucid dreams but it was so dark and so hard to see. I managed to rub my hands together in the dream to stay in the dream as long as I could and it made the dream brighter. I was trying to talk to a girl that I like but I just kept waking up. Then I had a dream where I was standing outside and I saw a UFO in the shape of a planet and a smaller ship took off from the planet and headed towards earth. I was a little scared but I waved. That was it, all I can remember for now.

Right now I'm playing league of legends and listening to music on The college is closed today because of the snowstorm and I might hit the gym later today, plus I need to pick up some more bananas. I love apples and bananas.

Just a heads up that I plan on posting some conspiracy stuff in the future because I am kind of into conspiracies. Maybe I will dedicate a day every week for conspiracies. I could do a different theme everyday of the week. I love music 2 so I could also post music stuff. This is my second day on this blog and I already have so many ideas!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Why Am I blogging? I guess it is because I am bored and I'm waiting for a "snowstorm" to hit but I haven't seen a single snow flake all day >.<  Also I want to blog about things I've experienced and things I have come to understand and blog just about whatever comes to mind. I am 'relatively' new to blogging and this will kinda be like a journal for me.

Currently I'm into lucid dreaming. Lots of fun when I can get it to work out. My most recent memorable dream was weird. I was at a friends house looking out the window when a saw a rocket  take off across the street. The rocket went crazy and starting flying in circles and then back at the ground and made a little explosion. Then there were like 100 more rockets shooting up in the air from everyone's backyards and blowing shit up. I was scurred. I ran away and then woke up. Hopefully typing this out will help me on my way to getting some lucid dreams. Im gonna try to post everyday!

One more thing, I was just thinking whatever happened to that show Running Wilde? I liked it :( ah well.

My first blog

Cool. My first blog. I have no idea what i am getting myself into.